Stanford Introduction to Food & Health - Trailer
people are suffering from more diet-related diseasesthan ever before in recent history. [MUSIC]The so-called Western diet has been implicated as the majorcontributor to our modern epidemics of disease. >> We don't actually know what about the western diet is creating the problems butwhat we do know with a great deal of confidence is that populations who eatthis diet which is normally defined as a diet high in meat high in processedfoods with very little whole grains very little fruits and vegetablesThe populations who eat that way have very high rates of chronic disease. [MUSIC]>> When you think about the increasing rates of obesity anddiabetes you could really think of it as a tsunami wave off the coast. It's enormous. [SOUND] Physicians nowadays more than ever need to advise patients about food. Which foods to eat more of or less of and why. How to shop for, prepare, cook, enjoy healthy delicious foods. Not just nutritious fats not bio-chemistry but food. >> We are living in a food environments that fails to support our health. Taking back the control over our food preparationis essential to our long term well-being. By examining our eating behaviors and learning the skills we need to reclaimresponsibility for what's in our food, we can celebrate the foods thatwill protect us and bring us pleasure for the rest of our lives. [MUSIC]
Stanford Introduction to Food & Health - Trailer
Reviewed by Sovannthin
2:08:00 AM

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