Are raw foods the healthy way to eat? #rauwer
Yesterday, "Rawer", the sequel to the very controversial Dutch documentary, "Raw", wasreleased in The Netherlands and it immediately sparked a huge debate all over the net, tothe point that the hashtag #rauwer became a worldwide Trending Topic at Twitter in justa matter of hours, and of course, i decided to weigh in and give my two cents on the matter. I should start by saying i am not a vegetarian, but, i avoid meat in my diet as much as possible,as i do see the value in eating vegetables, and in that sense, i can understand a bitthe premise of the documentary: a mother goes to court because she is accused of child abusefor feeding her 15-year-old son nothing but raw foods ever since he was 5. Her argumentis that cooked food is unhealthy and compares it to smoking cigarettes and shooting heroine. Youth Services allege that her son's growth and overall health condition is the same asa malnourished kid in Ethiopia,so the main debate in question is how much a mother candecide on her child's eating habits and how much society in general should meddle in thatmatter. Like i said before, i can understand the value of uncooked vegetables and of being a vegetarianin general: when i don't eat processed foods and get only veggies for sustenance duringthe day, i feel more energetic, my brain is clearer and i feel good all around, whichis not the case when i occasionally feed on cooked meals. There's probably not much discussionthat eating fruits and vegetables is healthy, and i see the mom's point in wanting to feedher child only that. But, what's probably dangerous here, is that she's completely takingover her son's decision abilities by pretty much forcing a raw food diet on him regardlessof however he may feel about it. Had she waited until he was 18, and then allowed him to decideby himself if he wants a vegan diet or not, then things would be different… but she'snot giving him any chances at all, because of her authority role in his life, even ifhe wanted to eat meat, the pressure from his mom would probably be too much for such ayoung kid to bear. I know my opinion on this is very dual, but that's why it is MY opinion, and i would loveto hear yours, so please leave me a comment in the section below letting me know how youfeel about this topic. Thanks.
Are raw foods the healthy way to eat? #rauwer
Reviewed by Sovannthin
2:11:00 AM

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