15 Dumbest Sports Ever
• From sports that combine chess and boxing to games played atop an elephant, we count15 of the dumbest games ever turned into competitive sports15 - Crab Racing, • This is a sport found in the Buccoo Villageof Tobago, and even though you might laugh at it - to the village this is serious shitwith jockeys, training and selective breeding • The crabs are harnessed and prodded toget them to run in the correct direction with crowds cheering the winner• Once the race is concluded, the people are rewarded with a dinner of fresh boiledcrab - usually made from the contestants themselves 14 - Cheese Rolling,• Cooper's Hill near Gloucester in England sees a wheel of cheese tossed down a steephill, and a bunch of people falling down trying to snag it• It has now become a world-famous event with contestants from a whole manner of countries,and it's also notorious for how many people get seriously injured running down the hill• The race was actually delayed in 2005 when all the ambulances stationed there hadto return to the hospital, because you know a sport is good when so many people get injuredto the point that you literally run out of ambulances13 - Bassmaster, • This is a sport on ESPN that featuresthe exciting and competitive world of fishing • Between the weigh-ins to the exhilaratingrush of sitting on a boat waiting for something to happen, it's hard to believe this sportisn't as popular as football or rugby • People have claimed they've turned offthe television, gone out for lunch, come back and nothing has happened - almost makes youwish someone would throw a block of cheese down a hill to spice things up12 - Chess Boxing, • Exactly what it sounds like, a chess boardis set up in the middle of a boxing ring and two players duke it out in 4 minute rounds• After those 4 minutes, they're required to stand up and engage in a boxing match for2 minutes - the winner is declared based on whether you've been knocked out or suffera checkmate • The idea for this actually came from agraphic sci-fi novel from 1992 - because that's where all good ideas come from11 - Ferret Legging, • This is an endurance test in which youopen your pants, drop a crazy ferret in there and see how long you can last• It's been described as a dying and sometimes illegal sport, but even so there have beenmultiple events held in a variety of countries • The world record for this sport is just5 hours and 30 minutes - but these days there' s a lack of contestants, mostly from complainingwives 10 - Elephant Polo,• This is a game mostly played in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Thailand - although you'llalso find English and Scottish teams • It's a standard game of polo played withElephants using long sticks and elephant steering drivers with championships played in Nepalcalled Tiger Tops • However, because of cruel treatment allegationsby PETA, many matches have been cancelled and even removed as a record from the GuinnessBook of World Records 9 - Shin-kicking,• You grab a dude and start crunching the living shit out of his shins in order to forcehim to the ground - this "sport" is even described as a form of martial arts• In the old days, rumour has it contestants wore steel-toe boots to attack their opponent,with training consisting of beating in their shin with a hammer to build tolerance• It continues to this day and draws crowds in the thousands - a great way to spend yourweekend if you like excruciating pain 8 - Pro Mini-Golf,• The casual-friendly alternative to regular golf has now been given a competitive edge• Even though the thought of this relaxed chilled out version of golf with TV broadcasting,sponsorship deals and international championships seems silly - it's actually quite popular• Some of the main issue is funding - such as with the British Minigolf Association,one of the few sports not recognised by Sport England and therefore not eligible for funding7 - Bog Snorkelling, • This is like regular swimming, only withouttraditional swimming techniques, only flippers in disgusting, stinky bog water• This sport started in 1976 when a guy was having an over-the-bar conversation withsome sports enthusiasts and someone mentioned the brilliant idea of swimming in a bog forthe amusement of a crowd • Bog Snorkelling continues to this dayand they even have a junior competition for kids6 - Curling, • This is a legitimate sport even televised,in which someone pushes a rock to move another rock while people sweep the ice beneath itwith brooms - a mixture of lawn bowls and housework• If you haven't had someone explains the rules, it may be the most ridiculous thingto watch as someone screams for people to clean the path in front of a rock while itskids around on ice • The amount of strategy that goes intothis absurd game is high, and it's even been likened to "chess on ice"5 - Dwarf-tossing, • Mostly found in pubs and bars, to putdwarf into special padded clothing and fling him at a mattress or Velcro-covered wall• Rules depend on whether there's a bullseye or if you just need to throw it farther thaneveryone else • Canada banned this sport in 2003, Franceallows it and it's also banned in the U. S - and in Middle-Earth they generally don'tlike getting tossed 4 - Cane Toad Racing,• A poisonous Toad introduced to Australia in 1933 and have been decimating the ecosystemever since - now in racing form • Some train them to hop faster than others,but most of the time you just show up at the bar and put down money on a random frog towin the race • Hilariously, some races actually raisemoney to help fund the wiping out of their species from areas of Australia - they'reracing to their deaths 3 - Sauna Championships,• People sit inside a sauna and attempt to hold out the longest while the temperatureslowly increases bit by bit - last man standing wins• This sport was invented by a bunch of drunk Finnish guys when their swimming hallkicked them out for spending too much time in the sauna• But even after it gained popularity, the man who died in 2010 from too-high temperatureput a damper on competitions moving forward 2 - Extreme Ironing,• A danger sport in which you take your ironing board to the top of a thin precipiceand iron your shirts while avoiding death • In 1997, one guy from England wanted togo rock climbing but still get his ironing done, so he took the board up and did thelaundry • The sport took off after that, althoughrecognition as a legitimate Olympic sport has a long way to go1 - Toe Wrestling • The objective of this sport, as you mightbe familiar with, is to pin your opponents foot down for a few seconds using your toes• This one has its roots all the way back in the mid 1970s born from a pub conversation• One of the top players in current championships is called Paul "Toeminator" Beech - I shityou not
15 Dumbest Sports Ever
Reviewed by Sovannthin
2:26:00 AM

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