7 Most Amazing Unknown Places

7 Most Amazing (Unknown) Places7. Christ of the Abyss ItalyDeep below the waters of the Italian Riviera a massive bronze statue of Jesus with outstretchedarms towers from the sea floor. A shocking sight in the otherwise barren depths of thesea. Originally sculpted by artist "Guido Galletti",it was made at the suggestion of Italian divers who wanted to bring life to the sea floor. The spot where the statue currently resides is the site of a tragic accident. Diver DarioGonzatti, the first Italian to use Scuba Gear died there in 1947, the statue is thoughtto memorialize him and his contributions to scuba diving. Throughout the world divers have replicated this monument to create unique underwaterrelics for all to enjoy. 6. Machu Picchu PeruThis ancient estate is located high above the clouds within the mountains of the "SacredValley". It is believed this city was built for the Inca emperor known as "Pachacuti"in 1438. At over 7,900 ft above sea level this site is truly breathtaking; however itwas unknown to the world until the year 1911 when it was discovered again by an Americanhistorian. With over 200 buildings within the site it is a true wonder of engineering. The ancient tribes built specialized irrigation systems to ensure their crops would flourisheven at thousands of feet. Today Machu Picchu is a must see attractionfor many tourists, although the faint of heart may not dare climb the near vertical stairsleading up. One wrong move could mean certain death falling thousands of feet below intothe Urubamba River. In several cases tourists have fallen to their death by accidentallyslipping off the narrow ledges and slopes. 5. Pripyat UkraineA once bustling town home to nearly 50,000 residents this city is one of the strangestand most desolate places on earth. In 1970 Pripyat was founded as the 9th "Nuclear City"in the Soviet Union. With a power source direct from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant thecity was paraded as a soviet achievement. This all changed on April 26th 1986 when thenuclear power plant faced a meltdown causing a deadly explosion that sent waves of radiationin every direction. Within hours the city was fully evacuated of all survivors and consideredan "Exclusion Zone", it was quickly cordoned off and fenced in with military checkpointsbeing installed to prevent entrance into the zones. Life was left untouched since the day of the blast, toys lie on the ground left by thefleeing school children, swing sets sway in the wind remaining only as a reminder of thepast world. The residents were never able to return toretrieve any personal items as they are deemed contaminated, meaning entire lives have beenfrozen in time an untouched since the 80's making this a uniquely strange destinationunlike no other. 4. The Rocket Factory RussiaA soviet era rocket factory known as "NPO Energomash" was home to the pride and joyof the former communist regime. This factory produced liquid propelled rocket engines usedon the Soyuz rockets as well as many other top secret programs. Located on the outskirtsof Moscow this massive structure is left untouched since it was abandoned after the fall of theUSSR. In its hay day this factory produced manyimportant pieces of equipment for the Russian space program and operated as both a productionand test facility. The massive towers standing hundreds of feet above the snow were onceused to test fire entire rocket engines, producing massive flames kept contained in the concretestacks. This site can be found by those willing tosearch deep enough, although guarded by security and barbed wire fences many brave adventurerschoose to sneak in to catch a glimpse of this amazing site. 3. Door To Hell TurkmenistanAlso known as the Gates To Hell and The Crater of Fire, this natural gas field located inrural Turkmenistan is a scary reminder of just how powerful nature can be. Identified in 1971 by Soviet engineers the area was being explored as a possible drillingsite, however after finding gas rather than oil the plans were abandoned. After collapsing to form a cavern the gas field was found to be producing extremelyhigh levels of methane gas. In order to prevent the spread of these toxic fumes Geologistsset fire to the pit which has been burning continuously for over four decades! Many localsavoid the area as its known for producing boiling mud and flames that flow continuously. The crater is over 200 ft wide and 100 ft deep making it a massive landmark even visiblefrom space!2. Gulliver’s Kingdom JapanAs we inch closer to our top spot we reach a place that is uniquely eerie. What was oncea bustling theme park located at the foot of Japans famous Mt Fuji is now a desolateand empty compound. The park is sprawling with larger than life characters decoratingthe landscape, many of which have fallen into disrepair. Giant Tea Cups, Fairy Tale charactersand a life sized train are just a few of the sights visitors will find inside the abandonedpark. Opened in 1997 Gullivers Kingdom never gainedthe traction expected and failed to produce enough profits. Largely funded by the Japanesegovernment this was seen as a "Road to nowhere" construction project that only produced shortterm jobs and resulted in a long term failure. These days the park is left as it was, withsome signs of vandalism, its surprisingly well kept considering its lack of up-keep. Visitors daring enough can scale the perimeter fence to enter the park at their own risk. 1. Communist Headquarters BulgariaLocated deep within the Balkan Mountains of Bulgaria this monument stands high atop a5,000 ft peak, built at the site of a historical Ottoman Empire battle ground. It was constructedby the communist party to symbolize the struggle leading up to their reign of power. Openedin 1981 the headquarters was made to serve as a meeting place and operations base forleaders. After the dissolution of the communist partythe site was not maintained, leading to a state of disuse and decay. Slowly the roofbegan to cave in with many wondering how long the structure will last before the earth reclaimsit. Explorers choose to brave the elements to view the vast structure; its interior isbreathtaking giving a glimpse into a past world. Colorful political art is scatteredacross the walls displaying times long ago and an expansive meeting room shows the truemagnitude of the regime. 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7 Most Amazing Unknown Places 7 Most Amazing Unknown Places Reviewed by Sovannthin on 1:19:00 AM Rating: 5

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